Thursday, 26 April 2018

Vibrating Foam Roller Exercises for the Triceps

A major muscle in the upper arm, the triceps run between the shoulder and the elbow along the backs of the arms. The triceps work with the biceps to enable rotation and extension of the forearm, as well as stabilising the shoulder joint.


If the triceps become too tight after physical activity, it can cause issues such as discomfort, limited range of motion and pain in other areas such as the elbows and shoulders. Therefore, it’s important to use a foam roller both before and after exercise to soften the muscle tissue and aid performance and recovery.


But what’s the best technique and positioning for foam rolling?


Take a look at this expert video guide which shows you how to use a vibrating foam roller on the triceps muscles. You’ll see how to support yourself using your legs and other arm while applying pressure and movement on top of the roller.


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Foam Roller Ball Exercises for the Triceps Muscles

The triceps muscles run along the backs of the upper arms, working closely with the biceps to create flexion and extension for each forearm. Located between the shoulder and elbow, if the triceps become too tight, it can cause pain or discomfort in these areas, limiting performance and range of motion.


Using a vibrating foam roller can help soften the tissue, aiding flexibility, recovery and performance. The blend of pressure and vibrations applied enhances blood flow to the area, flushing away lactic acid. As a portable, lightweight product, you can use a roller anywhere from the gym to your home.


In our expert video guide, we show you how to use a foam roller ball to perform a deep self-massage, targeting trigger points effectively with a peanut-shaped roller. You’ll see how to adopt the best position, provide support with the rest of the body and use a technique which will create maximum results.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.

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Vibrating Foam Roller Ball for the Soleus Muscles

Located in the lower part of each calf, the soleus muscle is used for flexion of the ankle joint, pushing the feet off the ground. Therefore, they’re vital muscles used for activities such as walking, dancing, standing up and running.


Tightness in the calves is a common complaint after exercise, with the connective tissue shortening and thickening around the muscle. Not only is this uncomfortable to experience but can cause trigger points. One of the best ways to target these stubborn nodules is to use a vibrating foam roller ball called a Pulseball.


The peanut-shape of this foam roller makes it ideal for targeting areas which need a deeper massage. By angling the roller correctly, you can effectively soften the muscle tissue and enhance blood flow to the area, flushing away lactic acid.


In our video guide, we show you the correct positioning and technique to foam roll your soleus muscles, using your arms to control and support the movements required while using the other leg to apply pressure.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.

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Foam Roller for the Back Shoulder Muscles

When performing any exercises which involve the upper body, the shoulders often take much of the impact, leading to muscle tightness or even sports injuries. Covering a wide area, the shoulder muscles can appear in anterior, posterior and lateral positions, connecting to other parts of the body such as the arms.


It’s easy to use a vibrating foam roller anywhere you need it, being a portable and lightweight product. The combination of both vibrations and pressure as you roll helps to enhance blood flow to targeted muscles and soften the tissue to improve both performance and recovery.


In this expert video guide, take a look how to use a foam roller on the shoulder muscles located in the back. You’ll see how to position the roller under your body while moving your arms to effectively move over the Pulseroll. Keep the soles of your feet flat on the floor to provide the right support.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.


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Vibrating Foam Roller for the Front & Side Shoulder Muscles

When exercising muscles around the shoulder area, some of the most common complaints include tight muscles and sports injuries after activities such as weight training.


Before and after your workout, you can soften the connective tissue, enhance blood flow to the area and improve flexibility for better performance and recovery. This can be achieved using a foam roller across the front, back and sides of your shoulder muscles, especially where connecting to other muscles such as those in the arm.


In our series of expert guides, we show you the correct position and technique to foam roll the shoulder muscles. In this video, take a look at how to use a vibrating foam roller on the sides and front of the arms, targeting lateral and anterior shoulder muscles. Effectively support yourself using one leg stretched out below while crossing the other over for added stability.


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Vibrating Foam Roller Ball for the Front Shoulder Muscles

The shoulders encompass several groups of muscles, including posterior (back), anterior (front) and lateral (side) areas. Any exercises which involve the upper body can cause both tightness and possible injury to these muscles, so it’s important to foam roll both before and after training.

Effectively using a foam roller on your shoulder muscles not only aids recovery by softening connective tissue but also improves performance by aiding flexibility and range of motion. This can help prevent sports injuries and reduce recovery times after training.

To help achieve a deeper massage to those stubborn knots and trigger points, use a peanut-shaped roller.

In this expert video guide, we show you how to use a vibrating foam roller ball on the front of the shoulder muscles. Take a look to see correct positioning and technique, using the legs and arms for support while rolling across the Pulseball for added pressure.

Watch the Pulseball in action now.

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Foam Roller Ball for the Back Shoulder Muscles

When warming up muscles and recovering after exercise, the benefits of using a foam roller are now widely appreciated by gym goers, athletes, yoga-enthusiasts and anyone else interested in improving their health and well-being.


However, while foam rolling the lower body is a much-seen practice, muscles groups in the upper body shouldn’t be neglected. This includes the shoulder muscles which can become tight after physical activity, especially if undertaking exercises such as weightlifting and bench presses.


A vibrating foam roller is the ideal product to soften connective tissue, enhance blood flow to the area and flush away lactic acid. Foam rolling can also help with range of motion and flexibility, improving performance across a wide range of activities.


In this expert video guide, we’ll show you how to effectively foam roll using a vibrating peanut-ball on the back of the shoulders. Move across the unique shape of the roller to work knots and perform a deeper massage on stubborn trigger points.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.



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Thursday, 19 April 2018

Foam Roller Exercise for Quads on One Leg

The quad muscles are located at the front of the thighs and have in important role in movement of the legs, including the bending and straightening of the knees. They work alongside other muscle groups such as the hamstrings in many activities such as squatting, running, walking and cycling, so may undergo stress when exercising or training.


If you want to enhance performance, reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and prevent the muscles from becoming too tight, using a vibrating foam roller is the ideal solution. The rolling action can target trigger points with the vibrations helping to achieve a deeper massage. As portable products, foam rollers are perfect for use in injury rehab clinics, the gym, home or anywhere else you want to use them.


In our expert video guide, we show you how to use a foam roller effectively on one leg, placing the roller under the quads while providing stability using the arms and other leg.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Vibrating Foam Roller for Quads

Located at the front of the thighs, the quad muscles are formed from four different muscles. This important muscle group is essential for activities such as walking, running and any physical activity which involves bending and straightening of the knee. As one of the areas prone to sports injuries and muscle tightness, it’s important to look after quads both before and after exercise or training.


A vibrating foam roller can be used to alleviate muscle tightness in quads by using the magic combination of pressure and vibrations to soften the connective tissue around the muscles as well as targeting trigger points, encouraging blood flow to the area and flushing away lactic acid. This can help stretch the muscles for increased performance and range of motion.


In our expert video guide, we show you how to use a foam roller on both quads at the same time, moving over the top of the roller while supporting yourself with your elbows.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.


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Foam Roller Exercise for Quad Muscles Using a Pulseball

The quad muscles are one of the most common places to experience sports injuries and muscle tightness. This muscle group has a pivotal role in the movement of our legs, including bending and straightening the knees during activities such as running, squatting, walking and cycling.

Therefore, it’s important to give this area some attention both before and after your workout which can be done via a foam roller. If you’re experiencing some knots and specific areas of tension, a peanut-shaped roller can help you achieve a deeper massage in targeted areas, helping to soften the tissue and alleviate trigger points. It can also help enhance your performance and recovery.

In our handy video, we show you how to use a vibrating foam roller ball on the quads. Position the Pulseball under one leg and use your arms and other leg for support. Our expert guide will teach you the correct technique for maximum effectiveness.

Watch the Pulseball in action now.

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Foam Roller for Plank Exercises: Under the Legs

When using a foam roller pre and post workout, it’s perfect for softening the connective tissue around muscles, preventing them from becoming too tight and causing you pain. However, one of the lesser known uses for foam rolling is for enhancing your core strength, using as an aid for exercises such as the plank.


By adding in an element of instability to your plank exercises, it helps to increase demand on your core stabilisers, strengthening those muscle groups involved. It’s also a great way to support good posture and enhance tone, flexibility and balance.


In our expert guides, we show you the best way to use a vibrating foam roller to adopt correct positioning for your plank exercises. While you can use the roller below your elbows, in this video, you’ll see how to place the Pulseroll under your lower legs while using your arms for stability.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Vibrating Foam Roller for Plank Exercises: Under the Arms

You may associate a foam roller with an ideal way to loosen tight muscles, using techniques both before and after training to enhance blood flow to specific muscle groups, soften the tissue and flush away lactic acid. However, this versatile product can also aid you with core strengthening exercises. Being portable, it can be carried wherever you need it, including the gym, home and physio clinics.


Plank exercises are fantastic for improving core strength, simultaneously engaging multiple muscle groups to create core conditioning magic. Not only that but the exercise supports improved balance, flexibility and posture, working both your hamstrings and glutes.


So, how do you use foam rolling to create the perfect plank?


In our expert guide, we have two core plank exercises to show you. In this video, you’ll see how to use a vibrating foam roller below your elbows to maximise your position, posture and technique.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Foam Roller Ball Exercise for Lower Back Muscles

People sometimes worry about using a foam roller on the lower back with pain in this muscle group being caused by a variety of factors. You can use foam rolling around the area, including on the glutes and hip flexors to see if this helps, but you may also have knots in the lower back you want to target.


This is where a peanut-shaped vibrating foam roller comes into its own. As well as being a hand-held product, you can use the unique shape of the roller to target and alleviate trigger points in the lower back region.


But what’s the correct technique?


Take a look at our expert video guide for how to use the Pulseball on your lower back. We show you how to get into position, how to tilt and angle your body correctly and where to position your arms and legs for support.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.



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Vibrating Foam Roller for the Lower Back

From those training in the gym to office workers sat at a desk all day, lower back pain is one of the most common ailments people experience. This can be due to wear and tear as we age, sports injuries or even conditions such as sciatica.


If your lower back pain is being caused by the tightening of muscles in the area, using a vibrating foam roller can help enhance blood flow to the muscles, alleviate trigger points and soften connective tissue. Being a lightweight, portable roller, it can easily be carried to the gym, home, physio clinic or even your work.


Correct technique and positioning when using a foam roller to target the lower back are essential to produce effective results and not aggravate issues further. In our expert video guide, we show you the best foam rolling technique for lower back muscles, how to get yourself into position and where to place your arms and legs for support.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Vibrating Foam Roller for Lats While Sitting

As one the largest muscles in the upper body, the latissimus dorsi (lats) starts at the back and covers part of the rib cage, iliac crest (hip) and the inferior angle of the scapula. It plays an important role in exercises such as pull-downs, chin-ups, pull-ups and swimming.


If experiencing tightness in the lats, using a vibrating foam roller is the ideal way to provide self-myofascial release, targeting trigger points and relieving areas of tension in the muscle. The blend of intense vibrations and pressure applied offers a deeper massage to enhance blood flow to the area and achieve effective results. Use both pre and post workout to maximise the effects.


Now, in our handy guide, we show you how to use a foam roller to target both the inner arm and side simultaneously, holding the roller in between these areas while in a sitting position for support.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Foam Roller Ball for Lats

Spanning across part of the back, ribs, iliac crest and scapula, the latissimus dorsi (lats) is one of the widest muscles in the body. It plays a role in various actions and movements within the body including adduction, extension and rotation of the arm at the shoulder joint.


After training, if your workout involved back exercises such as lats pull-downs, you may experience soreness in this area. This is an issue a vibrating foam roller can help with if you use it both before and after exercise for maximum results.


But how do you use a foam roller effectively on your lats?


In our series of foam rolling for lats guides, we’ve included this handy video for using a vibrating peanut ball which is great for targeting knots. Its unique shape allows you to angle the Pulseball into specific areas of tightness (trigger points), loosening the muscles and encouraging blood flow to the area.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.

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Vibrating Foam Roller for Lats

Located over a large area of the body, including the back, sides and behind the arms, the latissimus dorsi muscle (lats) is responsible for several functions in the body. This includes a key role in shoulder extension, adduction and internal rotation of the arm at the shoulder joint.


While not used strenuously day to day, it’s an important muscle used during exercises such as swimming, pull-ups, chin-ups and pull-downs. However, these activities can leave the area feeling tight and sore after training.


The solution? Use a vibrating foam roller to loosen the muscles and soften the surrounding connective tissue.


In our handy guides, we show you how to use a foam roller on tight lats, positioning the roller under your side. The unique blend of pressure and vibrations enhances blood flow to the area while flushing away lactic acid. Use the portable roller in your warm-up and recovery routines for achieving the most effective results.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Foam Roller Exercises for Hip Flexors

The hip flexors are a group of muscles located at the front of hips, connecting the legs, abdominal and pelvic areas. Important for providing both strength and flexibility, these muscles are involved in functions such as bending your waist and lifting the knees. However, when they experience stress during exercise, it can cause them to shorten, becoming tight, painful and limiting your range of motion.


One of the easiest ways to effectively use a foam roller on your hip flexors is to use a vibrating peanut ball. Its unique shape helps to target the small area around the hips, creating a deeper massage which hits those all-important trigger points and knots, enhancing blood flow and loosening tight muscles.


In our expert video guide, you’ll see the Pulseball in action, showing you where to place the vibrating foam roller, ideal rolling techniques and how to support yourself with both arms and legs. By using the roller under your body, it applies a greater pressure to the hip flexor muscles, maximising results.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.

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Foam Roller Exercise for Hands

If you’re experiencing muscle soreness in the hands after training, it could be triggered by certain exercises. This can be common after weight lifting, or any other activities which require flexion and strength in the hands and fingers.


Using a foam roller has become a popular method for relieving muscle tightness both before and after physical activity. The rolling technique used helps to soften muscle tissues, increase blood flow to the area and flush away lactic acid. This relieves sore and painful muscles and can be used for general well-being and relaxation while at home, the gym or anywhere else of your choosing.


In our expert video guide, we’ll show you one of the most effective techniques to use a vibrating foam roller ball on your hands. Its peanut shape is ideal for targeting smaller areas across the palms. Our simple exercise rolls the Pulseball under your hands to add a little more pressure for a deeper massage while kneeling on an exercise mat for support.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.


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Vibrating Foam Roller for Hamstrings

Hamstrings can become tight during and after exercise, and this is an important muscle group which is integral to movements such as bending the knees, walking up and down stairs, running and extending the hip. Located in the backs of the thighs, they can become painful and sore if you don’t stretch the hamstring muscles adequately in warm-up routines and recovery after training.


One of the easiest solutions is to use a foam roller to soften the connective tissue around the muscles, flushing away lactic acid and reducing the chances of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).


Want to know how to foam roll your hamstrings?


Just watch our handy video guide. You’ll see how easy it is to use a vibrating foam roller to effectively massage both legs at the same time, sitting on the roller for maximum pressure. Use your arms for support by placing them on the exercise mat behind you.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Foam Roller Exercises – Hamstring Hurdle Stretches

The hamstrings are an important part of the lower body, consisting of muscles which run along the backs of your thighs. It’s not unusual for these to become tight during and after exercise as this muscle group plays a role in walking, running, jumping, bending of the knees and function of the hip.


The solution? Use a foam roller to release muscle tension, softening the connective muscle tissue in the area through targeting trigger points and knots.


One of the best exercises you can undertake with a foam roller on your hamstrings is hurdle stretches. However, it’s important to use the right techniques when stretching these muscles to minimise the risks of injury.


In our expert video guide, we show you how to safely use a vibrating foam roller for hamstring hurdle stretches while using both arms and the other leg for support and positioning.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Vibrating Foam Roller for Glutes

The glute muscles are located in the bottom, and are an important muscle group for hip rotation, walking and running. Connected to various other muscles, if they become too tight, it can cause pain in other areas such as your lower back, knees, pelvis and hips.


The unique action of foam rolling helps to increase blood flow to the area, releasing muscle tension while targeting specific trigger points in the muscles. It’s important to use a foam roller on your glutes both before and after exercise to loosen the muscles and gain the full benefits on offer.


In our video guide, we show you how to use a vibrating foam roller on your glute muscles. By sitting on the long roller and crossing one leg over the other, it’s possible to apply pressure to both glutes while supporting the body with your arms placed behind the roller.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Foam Roller Ball for Glute Muscles

The glutes are located in the bottom, supporting various functions such as running and hip rotation. Therefore, it’s important to give these muscles attention both before and after exercise or even if you’ve been sitting at a desk all day!  If not, tightness in the glute muscles can be felt in other parts of the body such as the hips, back, legs and pelvis.


Because the glute muscles are so large, they usually require extra pressure to get the full effects of the self-myofascial release produced from foam rolling. For this reason, many find it useful to use a peanut-shaped foam roller ball to target trigger points while sitting on the roller for added pressure.


You can target one glute by crossing a leg over the top of the other, rolling back and forth over the glute. In our handy video guide, we show you the right way to use a vibrating foam roller ball while safely supporting yourself using your arms.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.

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Foam Roller for Forearm Exercises

Located between the wrist and elbow, the forearm muscles are sometimes neglected when it comes to beneficial foam rolling routines, despite the fact we use our arms throughout exercise. While you may think it’s only the biceps and triceps which take the strain during training, forearms are essential for flexion in the hands and wrists.


Benefits of using a foam roller include loosening tight muscles, alleviating soreness and improving range of motion, so using rollers on our forearms is essential for maximising upper body strength.


Pulseroll’s range of ‘next generation’ foam rollers provide solutions for training and recovery on a deeper level than ever before.


In our expert video guide, find out how to use a vibrating foam roller on your forearm muscles, kneeling on an exercise mat to create the right support and pressure while covering each part of the forearm when rolling.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Vibrating Foam Roller – Choose Next Generation Products

The popularity of foam rollers is evident whether you’re a gym enthusiast, yoga lover, athlete, gymnast, physio or even just someone who takes an interest in how to improve their general health and well-being. These long, cylindrical fitness aids have become an intrinsic part of warm up and cool down routines now that their benefits are so widely known. From reducing DOMS and muscle pain to improving performance and range of motion, this amazing form of self-myofascial release has transformed the way we treat our bodies.


So, how do you choose the right foam roller for you?


Here at Pulseroll, we offer the next generation in foam rolling with our vibrating foam roller series, as well as our peanut-shaped Pulseball. You can now find out more about our rollers in our handy video guide which covers everything from how many speeds you can choose from to watching the beneficial vibrations up close!


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Foam Roller for Feet – Standing Exercise

When you spend so much time on your feet during the day, it’s not unusual to suffer general aches and pains in this area. However, the tissues around muscles in the feet can become inflamed when overstretched, causing an injury known as Plantar Fasciitis.


If you’re suffering from sore feet, there’s a solution which helps reduce pain in the muscles in the form of using a vibrating foam roller on the soles of your feet. This method of self-myofascial release allows users to target specific areas and work the knots in the feet. The pulsations and pressure enable a deep massage which softens the tissue and enhances blood flow to the area.


While a foam roller can be used on the feet while sitting or laying down, you can also easily perform exercises while standing. Use our video guide to see how to foam roll the feet while in a standing position and effectively massage each part of the soles, including the sides.


Watch the Pulseroll in action now.

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Vibrating Foam Roller for Feet – Standing Exercise with the Pulseball

With the muscles and tissues in the soles of our feet taking much strain and weight-bearing during the day, it’s no wonder they often feel sore. However, when the muscles become overstretched, it can cause tissues in the feet to become inflamed, causing an injury known as Plantar Fasciitis.


One of the best ways to combat the aches and pains we experience in the feet is through a form of self-massage using a foam roller. A great product to use is a vibrating peanut ball which can be handheld, and its unique shape and vibrations can be used to easily target specific areas which need attention.


Foam rolling the feet can be done anywhere, anytime, but it’s important to use the correct technique even if sitting, standing or laying down. In our video guide, find out how to use a vibrating foam roller ball over each area of the soles, softening the tissues in these areas and encouraging enhanced blood flow to the feet.


Watch the Pulseball in action now.

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